Welcome to the Governing Board section of our website.
The governing board’s role is to make sure:
- The vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined
- The headteacher performs their responsibilities for the educational performance of the school
- The use of the school's financial resources is sound, proper and effective
The duties of the governing board are set out in the Governance Handbook.
The Governing Board works with the Senior Leadership Team to develop the strategic direction of the school to ensure that the children at ECFS get the best possible education in a safe, caring and stimulating environment.
The Governing Board acts as a critical friend, giving support to the Head in leading the school and ensuring statutory duties are carried out. The day to day responsibility of running the school is the responsibility of the Senior Leadership Team but the Governors have a role to ensure everything is done to the highest standard.
The Governing Board has a general responsibility for the conduct of the school with a view towards promoting high standards of achievement. It has many responsibilities including monitoring the school’s finances, safeguarding procedures, appointing staff, reviewing performance management, setting targets, monitoring and reviewing policies and many more.
Each Governor has individual responsibilities such as monitoring a subject area or other specialism, for example finance or safeguarding. Reports are fed back to the full Governing Board.
The Chair of Governors, Katy Rooke, can be contacted via the clerk, Robin Powell by email or through the school office, 01386 710279.
The school's Instrument of Government can be accessed through the following link:
List of Governors
Katy Rooke - Chair of Governors, Parent Governor and member of Curriculum and Standards Committee and Business Management Committee.
As a proud parent of two children in Elmley Castle C.E First School, I have seen them flourish into respectful, determined, and resilient pupils over the last 5 years. As a family we have been welcomed and nurtured by the Elmley community, and I therefore wanted to give something back by contributing to the successful strategic leadership of the school. After 3 years as a parent governor, I was elected Chair in May 2023 and have been working closely with our board to continue supporting the successful leadership of the school. I sit on both the Teaching and Learning and Business Management committees to ensure I hold an overview of the strategic goals set by the school and board.
Professionally, I work in the arts and culture sector as a creative producer. The skills I use in community engagement, organisational development and bringing visions to life, transfer easily to the governing board and school’s strategic planning. I previously ran an educational theatre company delivering programmes to a wide variety of schools and colleges both nationally and internationally, with a focus on Mental Wellbeing and Life Skills; two things I am incredibly passionate about supporting our young people with.
As Elmley Castle C.E First School enters a new phase of exciting leadership and development, I am eager to be involved in the magic that awaits.
Peter Keevil - Local Authority appointed Governor and Chair of Business Management Committee
Pen portrait to follow
Sally Roberts - Co vice-Chair, Co-Opted Governor and Chair of Curriculum and Standards Committee
I live in the village with my husband and whippet dog called Daisy and have three grown up children who all attended Elmley Castle school, and now also have two Grandchildren.
I am a retired Primary school teacher. I have taught for forty years and have been lucky enough to spend many years of my career teaching at Elmley Castle.
It is such a wonderful school and I feel honoured that I am now in a position to contribute to the school and community by becoming a governor.
I am presently Chair of the Curriculum and Standards Committee which monitors the educational provision and standards throughout the school.
I am a member of our local church and regularly sing in the church Link choir and organise Open the Book .
In my spare time I enjoy all types of music, singing in different choirs, walking, reading and looking after my Grandchildren.
Amanda Pask - Foundation Governor and member of Curriculum and Standards Committee. Safeguarding link Governor
My husband, John and I both grew up in Worcestershire and returned to our childhood home from Cornwall 14 years ago to assist my parents. We love it here...the beautiful countryside, Bredon Hill and the great community spirit.
My working background has largely been connected with children, education and schools. I have taught German and French to adults, worked as an educational book sales consultant and a schools fundraiser for NCH Action for Children, delivering assemblies in primary schools. Over the years, I have been a respite carer to three children with Autism, alongside caring for my own son and daughter, now adults. More recently, I very much enjoyed my work in secondary and primary schools (in Penzance and Worcester) as a teaching assistant, especially supporting children with Autism and ADHD.
My efforts and intention as a school governor at Elmley Castle First School are to provide similar opportunities for learning and personal wellbeing for children especially, but also for the adults in our school community; to uphold our school vision of A little piece of Heaven on Earth.
I am a Christian and an active member of my local church in the Bredon Hill Church group, attending regular services and singing in the Link choir. I am also a member of Open the Book, a fun-loving group of adults, who deliver accessible Bible stories to the children at ECFS each half term – often with props and dressing up to make the message clearer and provide even more fun!
I have been a foundation governor at ECFS since 2016, This gives me a particular responsibility to ensure that our school is maintained as a church school, upholding Christian values and beliefs, whilst ensuring our children are educated to understand and respect people of all faiths and none - and also to develop their own critical thinking and spirituality.
Currently, I am the school’s safeguarding governor and have a responsibility to support the Designated Safeguarding Lead, (Mrs Penney) and the Deputy DSL, (Mr Jarvie) by monitoring and challenging their actions where they relate to the physical, spiritual and emotional welfare of our children and adults in school, (although all governors on the board receive training to understand and accept that safeguarding generally is everyone’s responsibility).
Rev'd Katryn Leclézio - Ex officio Foundation Governor
Since 25 July 2021 I have been Priest-in-Charge of two Parishes on the East side of Bredon Hill. Part of this responsibility is being an ex-officio governor in two Church Schools. One of my joys is to participate in worship with the school on a regular basis and to support the Head Teacher. What I offer is an ear for the School’s Christian ethos and distinctiveness and input into the religious education curriculum.
Greg Hay - Parent Governor and member of Business Management Committee
As a proud parent of two children in Elmley Castle C.E First School it’s a privilege to be part of the Governing board. This school really is a very special place where both my children feel valued, safe and part of the school’s community.
Having worked in the Education sector for the last 15 years transforming schools across the country, working closely with SLT teams to create a vision and strengthen their schools branding. I feel that I have knowledge and expertise in the industry that can be transferable to Elmley Castle C.E First School.
Emma Robinson Co vice-Chair. Parent Governor and Curriculum and Standards Committee
Pen portrait to follow.
John Sharpe - Foundation Governor
Retired from the Governing Board 31st July 2024
Mrs Rachel Penney - Headteacher and Ex officio member of the Governing Board, Curriculum and Standards Committee and Business Management Committee
Paul Cornish - Foundation Governor, from 3rd October 2024
I am a local resident and parent of three young children, two of whom attend Elmley Castle First School. As a committed Christian, I am a member of Woodgreen Evangelical Church, Worcester.
I have taught for the past 22 years, holding a PGCE Secondary Geography and MA in Geography Education from the Institute of Education, UCL. I have wide educational experience, having taught in the Private, International, Grammar and Comprehensive sectors from KS1 through to KS5. For 8 years, I was a DSL and Deputy Headteacher in an Inner London Secondary School ,while currently I am teaching geography in a local secondary school.
Abigail CB Parent Governor, from 3rd October 2024
As the mum of two children who attend Elmley Castle First School, I am dedicated and passionate about the opportunities for children to play, learn and thrive at the school. I believe that children achieve well when they are happy, listened to and when learning experiences are engaging and fun! I am a qualified and experienced teacher, having worked in education for 15 years, including as a Phonics and Reading Specialist across Primary Education.
I currently work as a Lecturer in Adult Education across the country, primarily with adults with additional needs. My role also involves the teaching, training and assessment of trainee teachers. I value my role as a governor and as a parent I am fully committed to assisting in providing the best educational outcomes for our pupils.
Clerk to Governors / Governance Professional - Robin Powell
I’ve been clerk to the Governors at Elmley Castle since April 2024, although I have many years experience as a clerk to Governors in another local school. My role is to provide administrative and organisational support and guidance to the Governing Board to ensure they work in compliance with the appropriate legal and regulatory framework. Informally, my role is to ensure that our Governors have the tools they require to enable the effective undertaking of their role.
I also advise on procedural matters to ensure the Board operates as effectively as it can. My professional background is founded in public sector risk and insurance management.
I’ve lived locally since 1994, my children both attended local schools and I’ve been chair of a school PTA, a governor and Chair of Governors in the early 00s so have a pretty good understanding of the importance of good school and community links. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, listening to music of many genres and playing keyboards in a couple of local bands.
I act as the conduit between the Governors and the community and if anybody wishes to communicate with the Governors, please do drop me a line in the first instance, via the School office.
The school are legally obliged to publish a list of governor interests and also a record of meeting attendance. These documents follow:
Governor declarations of interest and terms of office
Governor meeting attendance 2023-2024